Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Been REALLY slacking on my blogging lately. Oh well, you know life can be like that...unpredictable. I need some motivation. Is anyone reading this? If so, please leave a comment and let me know. Maybe that will spur me on to some inspiration for writing and posting again.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Fail Us Not

I was listening to this awesome song on the radio and went to youtube to find the video. I am so glad I did! The video is even more powerful than the song! What grace and hope exude from this video. Please take time during the weekend to watch and be blessed and filled as you do. Kudos and bravo to 1000 Generations band! A wonderful song and blessing!

Fail Us Not from Steven Potaczek on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How Deep the Father's Love for Us

In light of Christ's death and resurrection, I pray this song will encourage you in the deepest places, and that His grace will become so much more tangible to you as you listen. Blessings of peace, love, and grace in Jesus name,

Friday, March 12, 2010

Be Unto Your Name

A beautiful song to lift you up today. May His grace, peace and love be overflowing in your hearts...

Monday, March 8, 2010

You Are God

An awesome song to encourage and lift you up today. i just love to sit and take a moment to listen to the words of this song. I pray His presence and His grace surrounds you as you take a moment to "be still and know that He is God."

Friday, February 26, 2010

He Has Not Forgotten You

My friend, please watch this video and be reminded that your Father God has not forgotten you and He never will. I pray His love and grace will pour over you as you watch this, that His Spirit will heal you, lift you, and speak to you today. Peace to you always.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Where Are Your Wells?

Where Is Your Well? (Part 1)

Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 12
Today’s Verse: With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:3

As we journey upon this earth, we are all continually “drawing” from some type of source for our direction, our purpose, our meaning, and our acceptance in life. There are a variety of sources from which one can draw, many “wells” from which we may drink. Let’s discover some of these wells.

First, there are the wells of performance. This is the well from which we often draw our sense of value and meaning as a person. The more we do, the more we achieve, the more we become, then the more valuable and accepted and loved we are…so we think. This can more obviously been seen as a source for a person without Christ, but even those who are “in Christ” can continue to draw from these deceptive wells even after becoming “born again.”

It is always a temptation to our flesh to draw from these wells. After all, they look so good on the outside. The others who draw from them appear to “have it all together.” They say the right things, do the right things, go the right places, have the right friends, have the right career, have the right kind of family, etc. Yet, these wells are simply a mirage of sorts. Eventually, they do run dry, if they ever gave real water at all. The performance wells leave those who drink from them very thirsty and parched, never satisfying their deepest need.

The performance wells not only leave those who draw from them parched and dry, but they also begin to drain the life of the person who is trying to drink there. Not only do we become dry, but we become lifeless, fatigued and tired. We inevitably experience “burn out” from these wells. For no matter how much we try to draw our life from how we perform and what we do, we find ourselves enslaved to these wells. These wells cause us to become more dependent on the tiny drops we receive from them, the little “pat on the back” or some other form of earthly recognition for all our “good deeds.”

Essentially, the wells of performance are traps. They are not truly wells at all. They are facades and fakes, and will never fulfill the hunger within each human heart for unconditional love and acceptance.

Next post, we will take a look at some different types of wells…the wells of possessions.

Love, peace and grace to you,